UofWinds 372, Week 08: Three Ways to Draw a Horse, Am I going to forget everything I ever learned at school?, Post-Entertainment Society
UofWinds 322, Week 08 2023: Not Working, Is Anyone Ever Well?, The Reaction Economy
UofWinds 270, Week 08 2022: we need less professing and more doing, The Change Curve, Worldle and Geography Now
UofWinds 218, Week 8 2021: Conflicted, The Community Tech Fellowship, How to Turn Your Red State Blue
UofWinds 166, Week 8 2020: Resilience 2032, When Presidents’ Day Was Bicycle Day, The Solitary Garden
UofWinds 116, Week 8, 2019: Happy City, Card Games That Don't Suck, National Sword
UofWinds 065, Week 8, 2018: A History of Jazz, For Whom the Whistle Blows, The best way to win an argument / Mind Hacks
UofWinds 014, Week 8, 2017: Funny Failures, Dark Summer Camp, Art for Desktops